Toys of a Fox

under construction
A fox figurine.

Sitting Silicone Fox

The first sitting fox I made with silicone. Created with a sacrificial 3d printed 1 part mold.

Putting this fella in my butt is alright. Nothing too special but he was easy to make. He was one of the first things I made with my silicone.

The process of making this guy is simple. I take the 3d model, put it in Cura, flip it upside down, hover it above the built plate about a mm, slice it with mold mode enabled, print it, fill it with silicone, then once it cures, destroy it to get to the silicone fox.

As of now, there is 1 of these guys. Being a 1 time use mold, I am not in a rush to make another. But due to his small size, it doesnt use a lot of printing matirials.

Going by the dates on the old photos of me making him, he was made on 🏳️‍🌈June 8th of 2023.